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Shekhinah Mountainwater dedicated her life to sharing and expressing the love of the Goddess, and leading women to reclaim their power and connection to one another... and to the earth. Her music, poetrytarot and learned writings are still celebrated in women's circles worldwide.

Remembering Shekhinah CD cover

Remembering Shekhinah CD cover

Shekhinah with guitar, early 20s

Shekhinah with guitar, early 20s

Shekhinah doing a tarot reading with her deck

Shekhinah doing a tarot reading with her deck

Shekhinah age 26

Shekhinah folk songs

Shekhinah in her late 50s

Shekhinah in her late 50s

Shekhinah's Tarot Reading Hanging

Tarot Readings hand-stitched velvet hanging

Shekhinah in a tree

Shekhinah in a tree

Shekhinah nebula

Shekhinah nebula

Weaving melodies

Weaving melodies

Shekhinah waterfall

Shekhinah waterfall

in ritual

in ritual

Shekhinah with Angus

Shekhinah with Angus

Shekhinah 19 years old

Young Shekhinah

Shekhinah at a Subud event circa 1970

Shekhinah at a Subud event circa 1970

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